EC study guide to environment-related courses.

This guide provides an overview of the environment-related courses available at institutes of higher education in all EC Member States, and is directed at school leavers, students and other interested parties. For each course, information on the following is given: field of study, title of qualifica...

Πλήρης περιγραφή

Συλλογικό Έργο: Commission of the European Communities. DG XI Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection, Institut fuer Europaeische Umweltpolitik, Institute for European Environmental Policy, Commision of the European Communities. Directorate-General Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection, Institut fur Europaische Umweltpolitik
Μορφή: Βιβλίο
Έκδοση: Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1993